We been creating pikitia using art colouring book as a part of the taster. Tirohia ki aku mahi
I am a student in the Uru Mānuka Cluster. This is a place where I will share my learning. Please note that some of it will not be complete, it will be my first drafts. Remember to be positive, thoughtful and helpful when you leave me a comment.
Monday, December 6, 2021
Monday, November 15, 2021
Fractions Practise with pictures
we were learning about fraction last week with pictures here is my work hope you enjoy
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Disco house
Disco House Kazy was heading home from her dancing lessons on her bike until she seen this glass house it was colourful and people inside were dancing after looking at it for a while she continued biking home Kazy love to dance and her favourite music was hip hop she made it home to her apartment and her little brother was more to see her she seen his dad who was late to work because Kazy was supposed to look after her little brother 10 minutes ago after her dad left to work she out her little brother to sleep the next day she took her brother to school He called her the best sister ever and Kazy said he was the best little brother in the world she said to her brother to have a good day at school after her brother ran off she went to her dancing class the girls there pick on her saying all mean things but Kazy was strong and ignore them until they said You need to be beautiful to dance Kazy leash out calling her swear words Kazy left and went to this building roof to cool down she was sitting down but then she could hear her favorite song she peak behind the door and seen this boy dancing she could see his feet and was surprised he was a dancer but the moves were original she was scare she waited and got the courage to talk to the boy Do you like hip hop Kazy said to the boy he said yeah hip hop my favourite and this song my favorite you into dancing Yeah i do dance lessons said Kazy, Kazy also ask if he could teach her The boy didn’t want to so he left the building Kazy went to pick her brother up from school Kazy and her brother return home and seen her dad lying on the ground Kazy was scared and call the hospital Kazy cried and her brother was scare the hospital van pick up her dad and it took a while for Kazy brother to find out and kazy brother cried the next day Kazy was the caretaker of the house she drop her brother of to school and head back to the building to see the boy she went back there and ask him again the boy said he wanted nothing of it again saying that he quick dancing Kazy says her dad in the hospital the boy stops but carry on walking Kazy picks up her brother and take him home After Kazy and her brother lay down and watch a movie Kazy brother ask when dad coming home and Kazy reply soon The next day Kazy late to take her brother to school she gets him ready and leaves the house on the way to Kazy brother school she thinks about dancing again they get to school and drops her brother off she says bye Kazy turns around to see that boy she seen dancing on the building he said he would teach her how to dance Kazy said why she thought he didn’t like to dance the boy says his name is Zee and he dose dancing lessons Kazy wants to know why he lied Zee said because he was scared Zee took her to the place they practice and in couple of years she would be performing in that disco house TO BE CONTINUED
Monday, September 27, 2021
kia ora last week we learnt about making our own restaurant with a Main foods, Healthy foods, desserts and logos and a name this is my work enjoy
Forced photo
We did forced photograph to make a illusions and special effects. look at what i have created
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Monday, August 30, 2021
Testing to see if we can post
Kia ora Tama
Just checking to see if you can still post? Kia pai tōu rā.
Whaea Heather
Friday, August 13, 2021
Stilt town 2
Stilt Town
Ashley Biddle was terrified to see this hung of a town while ashley and her crew sale closer to the Town she could see creepy figure throw the window soon enough all the lights were turn off Then the town just look like a grey town no scene of life no scene of nature but sea After they got closer they decided to set foot on this place They walk around knocking on doors 1 of the crew members trib and fell on this string ringing a bell soon everyone came out but not in a fun way everyone were screaming and fighting Ashley crew ran under this boat to hide all they could see was orange hair people fighting black hair people could it be some type of war they also seen kids and toddler and adult fighting the boat got through in the air with them inside it ashley fell out and grabbing the rope to the bell the greyness disabear the fighting stop ‘hey why did everybody stop said whisky ‘oh look who whistle out and rang the bell said blu ‘us Admit it you rang the bell you whistle out again said blu ‘ok you already know you did it said whisky
Blar blar bler bler hey said ashley stop fighting and who are you Ashley Ashley biddle latest fish saler Saler hah they send us another saler when will they learn ‘everyone started laughing’ ok ok im not just a saler you see i am a Oh ok bell please ‘bell ring’ ok oh no run Ashely and her crew ran away into this building after 15 minutes this guy wanted to show them were they will stay and were they will sell fish first he show them around the town then show them were there selling and staying are you seriously this is where were staying this shop is a junk ok show us were were really staying ok ok this is a town made out of wood on the sea so this is home anyways enjoy your stay also if you need anyone we will be up here While this can’t be bad said Ashley and her crew said they went back to the boat to get there stuff before they went inside the house ashley open the door EWWWW this place look like a public bathroom eww there a ant nest in here You know what we're going back But no said ashley you can’t your dad said show Ohh but its so icky and sticky and yucky said ashley you see ashley used to be a rich person because her dad was the king of a kingdom the only thing is that ashley dad was making ashley train to become a fish saleswoman but ashley just wanted to be rich and get stuff and live royalty without any perpisouse so she did nothing ashley dad found out made her a salewomen anyways and if she doesn't sell 6000 fish in 1 year or else she gets kick out the kingdom but what does she need she need fish oh c'mon where are this fish ahhh hey ashley said one of ashley fisherman we found a bunch of fish i think we can sell them oh yes thank you for finding those fish but ashley remember 1 thing that her mum used to tell her Mauri tu mauri ora ashley didn’t care about it and finally she wishes her mum was here with her anyways the next day ashley and her crew got ready to sell the only thing is that people would stay inside their house they will only come out to fight so ashley and her crew didn’t get anything selled 12 days later there still nothing not until ashley had an idea ashley ran up to were the bell was and rang it she waited until everyone came out and rang the bell again everyone stop fighting ashley crew came and started yelling get your fish here your fish come and get it but the plan didn’t go out as plan everyone laugh after 5 seconds they went back to battling soon they were getting attack ashley and her crew quickly ran back into the house they waited until the battle was done ashley and he crew didn’t know what to do they were so confused they waited until the next day ashley woke up to see her crew were gone she looked out to see that the crew were on the boat leaving they yelled out they had enough and left the island ashley wasn’t just stranded on this place but she was alone with nobody to help her it was day 56 and ashley hasn’t selled 1 fish it wasn’t until ashley was about to quit and swim away but ash;ey didn’t do it she didn’t have the gut while she came out she seen people waiting in line in front of her store she went to the counter and started swelling she sells 12 fish and alot more to go wish your goodluck to ashley
Monday, July 5, 2021
Matariki Poster
Kia ora guys last week was matariki and for celebrating i did a drawing of the mum Matariki hope you like at have a good day bye
Friday, July 2, 2021
FN AT FREDDY You're a security guard looking for a job. You chose a job at freddy's funtime pizza. You need to go to work from 12:00pm to 6am. Good luck. Freddy is the brown one, Bonnie is the purple one, Chica the ,yellow one, Foxy the red pirate one Day one “er” hello hello uhh welcome to the job yeah I will be you call to go just wanna leave some tips the animatronics seem to move so check the cameras and sleep tight see you tomorrow. “I’ll try out all the cameras to see what they do. Let's check the animatronics. *Record stop* Did one of them just move... Don’t be dumb. That's insane!! They're all standing all the same but just one could it be Bonnie staring right at me.” “huhh” “Bonnie Freddy time to get ready” “Mid night all ready” “Time to play” “Hey I heard they hire a new guy and it's his first day” Bonnie oops sorry “ahhh!!” “hey the new guy seems a little jumpy” “hey let's give a visit ‘ maybe they will eat me fresh prutus fresh spu or maybe they will stuff me inside a fazbear suit I’ll close all the doors so they can’t kill me or maybe I should run or call the phone guy’ hey new guy it's only us don’t be scared we just said hi’ hmm freddy lets try a note yeah so he know its us’ uhh it's only mee ahhhh Hey chica go get foxy he seems he knows the way’ wait new guy open the doors what the puppet other getting open the door way before the door blows up ’ hey foxy the new stuck he needs a way out huh I am here or maybe I should do something a cupcake a mask I can be girl foxy lets see what will happen don’t blink don’t breathe don’t flinch plz foxy leave o ohh olala this girl foxy hmm Hey chica go to the kickin I think that cameras died wait the door ahhh boom Day two’ ah hello hello oo I quest your made it okay the animatronix seem to get more stumble every day so they will be more active and foxy pretty mad from the last one goodluck Im away I will be ready to hunt and find and dash those animatronix standing won’t even stand a chance it's 1am I heard there footsteps coming 1 by 1 in my back I have my weapons do just let me open the bag you see all my guns’ no no the guns there gone eee Chica freddy time wake up now’ time already time to hunt’ hey heard that new guy is freaky’ yeah i'm mad that he wanted not to play hmm maybe he wants to be Maybe I should see what they do right now let's check all the animatronics wait there all gone huhh no the cameras died’ hmm it spells like dead cables uhh to me it smells like yummy food mm Hey chica yeah look at foxy his eyes a clowning umm yeah that's weird lets read the bad man book if a eye is clowning into red or white that means that they change to good to evil no foxy coming bonnie you okay no now he got it Pls don’t hurt me wait foxy what’ Im hungry for some human foxy no’ stay back chica a pirate gotta do what he haves to do Man the camera out that means get a light then I go heading out for the night hmm i’ll be back but just for work hmm chica move back or else I’ll back no foxy he can’t die i’m hungry he can die bonnie noo freddy huh foxy stand back freddy you're the leader but im the mener no your not sorry foxy he didn't need to be like this Bush boom’ Ding dong ding dong (x2) I made it it's 6am yay Day 3 a hello hello hello wow you made it i'm surprise but this night won't be as easy as the last night the animatronics are even madder saying they were nice but now the evinic goodluck see you tomorrow ‘12 to 6am rap Wow now I need to be prepare’’’ cause all of these thing coming after me are so crazy‘’ now I am just scared just to go out and check the cameras and everything else yeah I can heard chica moving abone just that’’ foxy is coming revenge just that I need to be ready to close all the doors and be safe so I can not end up like springtrap I can’t not be like that or whacking a bat acting like I am granny’’ just to be right this my 3rd day being here I just wanna go home plz’’ I wish I have never chose this job i’ll rather be homeless then rather be dead durr Chica the ruthless is coming I don’t know what I did to her but she mad damn and foxy yeah foxy is back together don’t know how but this is a miracle from hell Freddy is singing his song about him and me being friends forever or not i'm getting really freaked out so maybe I should run for life I see freddy in the hall and I see bonnie in the hall its only 4am just two more hours I gotta keep up o no he coming it's 5am just 1 more hour plz let free wait close the door the power o noo ahhh Ding dong ding dong (x2) Purple guy ahhh Hi I'm here for the morning shift yes I made You know what I am getting these robots back Day four, “Hello hello hello you there wow You must be a robot or something okay this time there not just angry they're furious. Good luck! 2 more days bye.” this will be the night that I will Remember for the rest of my life sooner or later someone am gonna get hurt no doubt it's been really different really it's rather be died or rather be homeless I chose this job for a reason or pizza hmm Its only 2 more days how hard can it be’’ Yeah foxy is coming out of his cage it's really creepy I wonder what's happening remember its my 3rd day being I know what is happening hmm maybe should try all my best these animatronics were nice but know they are crazy trying something new dout trying out my death chica cupcake eyes are red is that AHH` it has a knife I'm running for my life I saw them running don't know what did but they wanna eat me chica cupcake is being a pain its yelling out so they can kill me if I try to hurt it tries eat me i'm trying my best it's only 5:00 am just one more hour then I can leave. I hear the sound of a door from the basement. He said not to go down. I'm really scared!! damn the cupcake is back 30 minutes until I can leave. Just one more minute. I think there's a new boss in town 6:00 Ding dong ding dong (x2) I made it. I survived Springtrap: guess who back hahaha DING DONG DING DONG Day five, *Text app* *Phone guy* (1 new message) “Hello hello? Uh, today is your last day and whatever you do… do not go into the basement. There is some spiky stuff down there.” Well I probably shouldn’t go down. But whatever is down there must be special, right? Sooooo I might as well go down there. Alright I am going down. Whatever is in here is definitely top-secret. I am opening the door. Alright now what's in he- AHHHHHHHHH!! Springtrap springtrap HELPPP! Ahhh “door slam Finish on the next chapter.
Shipwreck Three weeks. That is how long the ship had been like this; empty, abandoned, alone… Now, all was still. All was calm. The ship lay there, as if in a peaceful slumber, gently rocking like a baby’s cradle in the tranquil bay. The sea barely moved. It was covered in a thin layer of wispy mist that sat on top of the water like a comforting blanket, gently illuminated by the fading sunlight. A bird landed gently on the mast of the lonely ship, pleased to have found a resting place after a long journey. Everything seemed to have turned blood-red. The sun looked down on the bay from his position in the sky, soon to go to sleep himself, casting a crimson light over the clouds and the milky water in the bay. Soon people started to see this shipwreck and were already scared about going near it. The boat's closest neighbour, Sopra, is next to italian. the population of this place was very small, being 000.086 % of the world the world and that about 67 people I think after the news of this boat was told to people it went viral around the whole world starting theories about it calling it il naufragio meaning the shipwreck or others just liked to call it a deep boat. The name was italian because of the closet place Sopra on a island about 4 kilogram away from italian and the boat was italian from the name on the boat that said barca da viaggio in english it mean travel boat the boat was supposed to take people to island like Sopra but one night it crashed and people on board drowned. then here come Elburton he wants to get pieces from the boat and sell them the only thing is that people like this place and its has become a viral thing and illegal to go to so if Elburton wanted to sell it he would have to sneakily do it but he wanted to wait just to see if something interesting happened soon when people actually wanted to see this boat and know opening another boat called barca da viaggio 2 People were traveling to italian jumping on this boat just to see another boat soon but when people went to see this boat there would be a crow flying on it every while another thing people pointed out on why the boat isn’t moving then here come the theories people said that the boat was a place for demons living under the boat and the crow the dead people but back as crows. So now there two theories are they are ghosts haunting the boat or are there demons living under the boat and the people that died are the crow anyways back with ELberton who wants to steal pisces from the boat. After 4 days he decided to steal them those 4 days gave him enough time to get a boat a weapon suits and a gang they all went out at 1am in the morning they got there and swim to the boat and started to break it in pisces after 8 hours when another travel boat came the boat was the same but one thing that wasn’t the same was the water it was blood-red and all they could do was stare the boat person frigid out and passed out the boat was moving forward then soon the engine breaks how does the engine break what does someone like throw there stinky poo poo at a boat engine anyways the boat was stuck in the middle of water near a old boat to be continued
Friday, June 25, 2021
2799 The year is 2799. Toxic fumes smother the planet. The survivors of The Great Toxic War congregate in the fields of Elysium, considering the future of humankind. To survive the Toxic fumes we use an Economic Bubble or there people that use Gas masks and then there the Rutes. people with rotten skin and know don't care about life Rutes or Routes are people with no masks and breath the Toxic air another thing is that there are barely any food left so that leaves to cannibalism there are baby and kids and the kids don’t do anything so the adult Routes would eat them another sad thing about routes is that there mainly men. Reason why is that the men routes do the YOU KNOW WHAT with the women routes so that they can make babies that the men used as a eating source but what about the women's routes. They may give the men food but they don’t get any food leading to most of them running away and hunting for themselves. I forgot to announce myself. I'm Eb.3 yes that is my name but just call me 3. right know I am telling you this story right in a battle “aa help’ that my friends over there name que “gunshots' PEW PEW PEW you alright que “yeah quick 3 we need to attack ahh ok hey &0 activate robotsuit 3 sure thing this is my robot suit i get in it and kick some but ahhhh :gun shots; is that the last of them “yeah wait :gunshot know its the last of them said que quick team get back in the jeo ok is everyone here “yes ok there is another battle at unitsell there are only 346 guards left so on are way there get ready. Yeah it's pretty cool to be the commander of group 9 the only thing is that being a commander have people hunting us down so we have to be careful hey &0 are we there “yeah boss ok is everybody ready attack ahhh Jumps out jeo plane ;gun shots; BOOM the jeo its exploded &0 “3 we here to do a mission so let's get to work fine but he would never be forgotten ahh :pew pew pew; “gunshots attack ahhh 2 Hour later Go go run close the door damn it we are trapped in this house. Back story about the fight we were killing people until 189 of our people died from a astray so we fle to a house and about the battles routes are hungry so they are trying to eat us and there also kinda like zombies but know we need a escape so we don’t die oh yeah “ what about the other oh yeah so when we were fleeing to a house we left some people behind so there like 122 people outside and there only 56 of us inside while the routes surrounding this house so 18 of yours stay bye the door while some of us go upstair and the attics the rest go in the back we got our places and I started searching I went up to the attic and my guards rin and kin found a kid they tried to make him talk but he didn’t ten I remember Unitsell language you mite not know this language so i'm just put it on english. Hey kid do you know what happen here here im eb.3 but you can call me 3 we are not those bad guys outside we are good guys look good guys he grabbed my hand and said i'm febric oh ok the child dose speak english “im 11 year old Said febric we ask about his family and before that my other guards said they found a exit I graped febric and they said there was a secret basement we went down and ask febric a way out he didn’t know much but he did say something behind a picture we found a exit and I told my other guards to follow me we went down and there were 2 doors i told one guard to go in one he ran throw and feel down so we ranthrow the other door Febric said thank you and I said it's alright kid we gonna get you out of here ok after 10 minutes we made it out we made it to a close bye hill we could see the other people fighting so we ran as far as we can that leads to the Survivors There were only 55 of us left but counting the kid there 56 of us left we sit camp and we called it camp courie we made it next to a lake so we can fish and get water and there was the tower house nearby at camp courie we had 5 guards and we had 8 people selling stuff and the rest we survivors in the future we did moved on to find more people and make more camps run by more people but that for the future know it's all about surviving then that's why i’m a savyer for people know I found two other camps Lake camp and Camp spring I started doing quest for them the more I did stuff for them the more stuff they would do for me and there been a lot of creepy stuff happen before this there were things called BodyBuilders and some of them have been infested by the gas so know there called Brutes and I had to kill 5 of them and it was hard but I did it but know there not getting infested know we are aloud to breath but if you get bit your on of those zombies and sometimes they come in Hordes and not many people survive these hordes so the best thing to do is ignore them. The main food here is bugs animals with 2 heads and buggy healthy stuff and more stuff but those other stuff aren’t cool anyways me and these camps have been surviving for 2 years and I heard there 2 more camps on the other side of these mountains and soon I have to go and check them out But one thing I think I like it out here it's been fun helping and working with people and killing zombies so in 1 week I will say bye and go to the mountains to see if I can get more survivors to join me against these zombie apocalypse and maybe I mite be able to find my wife who I seen in a while because. When the zombie apocalypse started it was me and a friend we ran to this woof and this helicopter came but they only had room for 2 and there were 3 of us so I threw her on the helicopter and stay back with my friends bouncer he still alive in the medic because of his arm got chopped off because of it was infested but he still alive like me but know I think I should go and get these other people on the other side of the mountains I drove up there and there was a capin there were 2 people on the capin roof and a dead body and there was a ragged bear trying to attacked then after I wanted to save them so I did after 20 minutes I killed the ragged bear I ask them why they were there and they said they had a mission to go and save people but they were found dead they grabbed a radio and said hey cory were coming back and we found a survivor who saved he killed a Ragged bear “ yeah i’ve done that before said the radio “ok we coming in they show me the way on there motorbikes and I was on mine and we drove for 10 minutes and we made it to a camp called camp crystal the first thing they showed me there was there leader camp cory but only the leader of that camp I looked out the camp and there was the biggest camp i’ve ever seen in my life there was a big island in the middle of the camp and there 3 brightest going towards it cory told me that the camp called Camp wizard cory said that his real commander I ask him if there a girl there named samantha and they said yeah Sargent mat but her real name samantha my face blew up I could finally see my wife again cory said that he would take me down there and we did when I got in he showed me his commander he said hello and I ask where sagent mat is and he said over there but wait she needs some stuff and know one wants to do it I said what was it he said it was to collect yeast from this abandoned place all I said that it was easy he gave me a mapI graped it jump on my motorbike and drove of when I got I was walking to the building and there were 6 brutes don’t know why don’t know how but there were 6 they seen about 4 times and I have ran about 8 times after 2 hours I got the guts to go and get the yeast I snook past them and got the yeast and drove back and told them that was the most scariest thing i’ve ever done I gave the yeast and then he showed me around first and then I got the part to see my wife he took me to here medic place and open the door she wasn’t looking then he talk a little bit about me and then he said here the yeast she turned around and it wasn’t samantha I ran out and never return to that camp again THE END
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Lego Build
Use computational thinking to build a lego model. Then we took photos and used Book creator to make an instruction book. here a Link
Friday, June 11, 2021
A Dangerous pet
A Dangerous Pet
The King had known that the gift he presented to his children on their 5th birthday was dangerous. He was prepared to take the risk of letting them own a pet dragon, however. One day, the twins would rule the kingdom together, and they would need all the help they could get. No-one could deny that a dragon was a powerful ally! Before that day, though, the children had much work to do. They had to train their dragon!
If they wanted to rule the kingdom. As the twins were trying to train the dragon one of the twins Jace suggested if they were going to rule the kingdom with there dragon they must name their pet so as the twins thought they decided to call him or her ally after a while they could hear the mighty bell ringing the bell usually means there being an attack. As the twins hid from all the chaos their dragon didn’t do so good he tried to hide behind a skinny pole after a while they couldn’t hear anything they told ally to stay and the twins went back to see if their dad was ok. There dad was fine but there sister wasn’t they attackers kidnap her the twins didn’t seem to care As dad cried the twins walk back to there dragon to see if he was ok when they arrived Ally was gone I mean it was obvious there was a big whole in the roof they ran out and seen Ally flying around the jungle as the twins tried to chase ally Jace said that they should give because Ally was in the air anymore. They return sad and when they went back to there warehouse they seen Ally there they got mad and all Ally had to do and listen to there yelling the twins turn 6 tomorrow and they plan to take over the kingdom when there 7 as the bratty twins yelled they seen Ally eyes change from blue to purple Ally felled sorry but the twins got scared then here eyes change to blue then she was happy the boys thought about the eyes meaning her feeling after a while they noticed her eyes can change to 5 colours blue Happy-purple sorry-Orange stronge-green-adventure- red-angry
As they noticed there dragon wasn’t evil cause his eyes barely turned red witch mean he was good the twins got even madder cause they wanted a evil dragon but jace, Jace didn’t care cause he wanted to be a good guy as jace flig his long blond hair beside him he seen his brother hitting Ally Jace ran up to them and got between them and his brother hit him putting him in the hospital all Jace brother had to do is feel sorry for jace and Ally after a while Jace got but in the hospital Jace brother Mich was there waiting for him to feel better but the doctors said he won't be better ever seen Mich cried out loud when he told his dad the dad grounded him and he had to stay in his room he looked out the window and seen Ally flying out the warehouse and Mich had to do something and jump out his window and made his way to the ground he followed Mich into the jungle he seen Ally landing on a wall mich ran up to it he seen Ally just there standing then he did a big roar mich jump back as like a scared he seen that Ally was sad because of her eyes were purple mich walk up to Ally, Ally seen him and moved back Mich said he was sorry for everything and thought if he could still be his friend ALly eyes change to blue with a slight node Mich was happy he jump on Ally and flew back to the kingdom he took Ally to the grand opening of papa jack barbarian shop everyone was so happy for papa jack. Mich wanted to go show Jace Ally but his dad did a rule that Jace cant see Ally until he better but Mich didn’t like that as Jace in his bed looked out the window he seen Ally and Jace flying toward they stop and said hi Mich said that when he gets better they would take other the kingdom Ally eyes turn grey a wired colour his head turn right and the twins thought of he as a What did he say but anyways Jace wasn’t all in the plan because he wanted to be a god kid become like his dad a Barbarian king and be nice to his kingdom but Mich complained of it being our dream Jace raised his voice saying THAT WAS YOUR DREAM NOT MINE YOU JUST WANT TO TAKE RULE OF EVERYTHING
The doctors heard and jace told mich to go as the doctors enter the room Mich and Ally were gone Jace felt sorry and as Ally flew Mich was crying he got on the ground and used his anger on a tree Ally seen him and his eyes green he picked up Mich and flew away Mich yelled wear we going Ally kept flying and mich was begging him to stop after a while Ally stop Mich was dizzy and went to sit down Mich ask him where he took us and Ally replied with sign language mich didn’t know sign Language and didn’t understand Ally he wish Jace was there cause he learnt Sign language in school it was almost night time and Mich forgot about him and Jace Birthday he told Ally to take him home Mich jump on Ally back and flew back to the kingdom he told Ally to stay at the Warehouse and go to sleep Mich quickly ran home and ran to his room he took a deep breath and went to sleep he had a dream about taking over the world after a while he woke up and the first think he did is ran out the door to the factory it was wired because his parents weren't home when he made it to the factory he seen his family there even jace they said that they found out about him trying to take over the kingdom but his dad said it ok cause you can just be the king when you turn 50 like me Mich agree but he wanted to rule the whole kingdom so he pretend they both went down to celebrate their birth mich knew that Jace was sad because of he was in a wheelchair Mich had an idea to make him happy but he would have to wait until tomorrow
The split
The Split
She had been standing there for hours, surrounded by ice. As the sun peeped its head over the distant mountains on the horizon, an orange and yellow hue filled the sky. The warmth of the sun was a gesture of kindness to her frozen hands, which she clasped together in front of her trembling body. It was then that she heard it… Crack! It was as if the world in front of her was breaking in two…
She stands there wondering what's happening. As she stood there the crack in the ice was getting bigger she could see everything in the ocean as she looked deeper the ice cracked behind and she fell into the ocean she tried to get out but she couldn’t as she seen her falling farwer from the water Her family got the news about her death but Alizabeth the girl knew that she wasn’t dead after 5 years it was her birthday and there family would celebrated her birthday occurring to her death but Alizabeth was even happy celebrating with her atlantic friends in the ocean where Alizabeth is know is her only dream is to breath under water and being a Queen her and her friends each year on Alizabeth birthday would go out and catch some seaweed Alizabeth is the Queen of Atlantic and her only dream is to talk to sea creature and it come true she has a Lobster friends name Larry and a Big blue whale name Destiny and her best friends Clowny the Clown fish they weren't Alizabeth only friends she had more but they didn’t show up to the party so she was quit sad about that… Anyways as her and her friends were having fun Eating seaweed her and her friends decided to see what it like to back to the lighthouse The lighthouse been there for centuries and it was the last Build Alizabeth seen when she died but Alizabeth that they would get caught because giant ships go there Larry and destiny said it was be bad because Destiny to big and Larry just food but Clowny the clown fish didn’t waste any time and swam to the lighthouse and called Alizabeth to follow as Alizabeth didn’t know what to do she follow behind and telling Larry and destiny it would be fine destiny and Larry said they would stay back but Alizabeth was already gone as Alizabeth and Clowny were having fun they finally made to the lighthouse science clowney can only stay on land for 10 minutes he told Alizabeth to go so she did but Alizabeth didn’t tell her friends that she was half human and as she went to go stand on the land Clowney seen people coming he jump out and pulled Alizabeth back in the water before those humans could see her she thank Clowney but before she could say another thank you Clowney was crap by the humans and he was taken away into the house Alizabeth watch from the water she return back to Larry and destiny and they ask where Clowney was and ALizabeth told them he died Larry and Destiny were sad and saying they should of not went there Alizabeth said she knows and then she swam back to where the seaweed cake was supposed to be after Alizabeth birthday after 2 days later they had funeral for Clowney Alizabeth didn’t show up because she thought her family would thing Alizabeth kill him after a couple hours she thought the funeral would be over so she left her coral house her dad ask her where she was going and she said no where the dad knew she was going somewhere after ALizabeth left her dad wanted to follow her to see if she was lying Alizabeth keep walking and her dad was following after a while she walk into this water cave as her dad watch from behind a rock as he seen ALizabeth she was setting down on a rock lying down on a rock and then she waited for her life to end Alizabeth tried killing herself and before her dad could come she was already dead then the dad did some exstream
Kia ora this is a old post I made about jellyfish hope you enjoy and see you in the next post
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
The New Zealand flood
Friday, May 28, 2021
Kia ora hi guys today we have been learning about maunga hope you enjoy this and wish me goodluck for my winter sports ka kiti
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Kia ora this week we been learning about godwitts here is a really cool slide of godwits made from me.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Windmills strikes again
Windmills Strikes AgainOne night It was stormy And I knew where to go Hi im Tangi And I work as a Farmer But at A farm you need crops so we have Carrots Potatoes Weeds and a lot of carrots. You need seeds and the same for Potatoes. Some Vegetables need energy and air so most Farmers used Windmills to grow Some of that food you eat. The windmills attacked energy from the Air,Sun and little pieces floating around And that is Pushed to the crops and they crow The windmills are Moved by the machine inside it That what keeps the WIndmills going If there was a Emergency we would have to locked ourselves In the Tsunami We would run to the top Air attack we run down to the bottom You could say Windmills are kinda like a Lighthouse Windmills just don't have a bright light coming from the top and lighthouses don’t have a windmill. But one thing I have never been in a emergency But once I was in a Emergency I got a warning from my phone Saying a lightning attack is hitting and I needed to locked myself in the windmill I didn’t Really know what to do I was scared I Felt like I was going to poop myself Luckily I didn’t I found leftover nappies Wait I maybe shouldn’t put that in there anyways the storm was getting closer and My poo was about to come out After It said to go down to the basement and locked the door but I lost the keys I put them down and there goon Oh noo I left them in the car while goodluck of getting me out there (FUNDER) ok I will just get them Door slam 1 minute later DOOR SLAM. I don’t think there anymore nappies left But I got the key I can locked myself down there and be safe I went down locked the door and stare from the basement window Ahh The basement window broke I ran up the stairs and unlocked the door and SLAMMED IT SHUT I was scared soon I thought to myself saying right after this I would get me a cup of coffee and spare undies While after that I got a calling from my Radio saying It is safe to go outside And I was happy I thought Lighting never strikes twice while that what I thought. As I left the windmill I was happy I seen me crops all dead but at least i'm alive Radio” WARNING WARNING WARNING what I thought it was safe (THUNDER) oh no not again I ran back into the windmill and know I need to spend another hour isolated in this windmill. But I was not gonna give Up I am Tangi Ward and I am Not a quitter I thought to myself I would run out jump in my car and drive away 1 minute later ahhh I am never going back out there again Time was Ticking and the thunder was thriting see a lighting has never hit a windmill but if it did the machine would go faster or slower then it would usual a chance of a lightning hitting a windmill is very low cause lighting is a 40% chance of it coming but it's never 0 like a chancer of a dog eating you is low but never 0 anyways A lighting hitting a windmill is low right while what if I tell you that my windmill what hit by a lightning you should off seen my face I was like ok I was scared alright my face was funny as hell the machine war slowing down you can ask me who has a moving windmill in a natural disaster while its the type of guy that is a scardy cat. The machine stop but soon later it started to move fast like very fast The machine flash and the windmill flew off you see a windmill is called a windmill because the spinning thing is called a windmill but back to the story the radio man said there 15 minutes until the close clare but one Problem you have five minutes to grabbed your stuff and leave the timer starts now so get you stuff and run I quickly ran out the door and hop in the car and drove off I'm lucky I made it out or it would be another hour of scaredy cat me So yeah that's my story hope you enjoy and have a good dayTHE END
Friday, April 9, 2021
The Mighty Jungle
The Mighty Temple
The mighty jungle. The mighty jungle has hidden gems and mythical creatures but the most important thing that is the talk about the Jungle is the Temple That is in the Jungle. tHis goes back to the date of the stone ages As it was found by a group of men sent to The Mighty jungle to send a message to another group that is said to have been missing for 2months. The men were exhausted after trudging through the Jungle and lacking sleep and Hydration they needed to find the group within 2 days or else the group would die. one of the people in the group named Harem had a book and the world in the book says We were dying out here. The jungle habitat is nice but Being attacked multiple times is a pain. And the person who found the book Yen Wong was confused because he was from china. The group spent the last hour walking and soon they tried to go to sleep for the first time. THE NEXT MORNING The crew wook up A person in the crew code name Harold said there a river nearby They rest were happy the group of 4 were happy Harold let the rest of the crew go ahead until Harold starts to eat one of the crew mate but him fighting back the others didn’t know what to do Harold got pushed in to the tree and the others ran harold chase them until he fell in a hole the other looked down and harold who was scared he shouted get me out of here The group said WHY? Harold Apologised and said he wouldn’t try to eat anyone. The group said fine Haram found a rope and threw it down Haram would hold the rope while the others go down Soon someone scream ATTACK ahh they started fighting but someone yelled stopped. It was the other group you actually found us we were losing hope So were we said haram while welcome to the temple we recommend you to the food and the fresh water what about that green water Ooo we don't talk about that just one rule you tell the village your dead wisber Gimeni One night when the 2 groups were sleeping Haram woke up the others and said we need to get out of here the Why “said the other 3 Im pretty sure that other group is trying to stay here without telling the whole village “so we can just be like them You don't get it if we stay here there going to kill us we need to get Outta here so who with me “fine but if this doesn't work you're dead Ok quik we need to be sneaky
After we made it out we started to look for our way out but were lost we fell asleep and this is where the fun stuff comes in. as we were walking the next day we seen a pig Oh look at that pig said harem And then we started to Chase it It was running and all but the funny thing is that we started to hear this song Awimbawe Awimbawe Awimbawe In the jungle the mIghty jungle the lions come tonight In the jungle the mIghty jungle the lions come tonight Wait wait you actually heard this “Yeah we did it was cool but we were still chasing after that pig soon we hear Woah woah It looked like tarzan was coming “ Then what happen after said the host Oh as always he hit a tree but then this girl show up and go Dora sen roa Then they all puff and then I really woke OH it was just It was just a dream “You alright said Jules. Yeah i'm alright I just has a dream But lets go we ain’t gonna make it out of here “Harem Yeah “I'm just saying but we're not gonna make it out of here “what do you mean where the other 2 “They left when you were sleeping But why “they gave up hope and went back to the temple they said that if they find the temple again they will tell Gemini And his minions to come and kill us “while if there gonna do that then THEN WE'RE GONNA FIGHT BACK ok let's go come one “but Hurry up Jules we can do this “where are we going said jules come on Jules this is the plan we go and get the other villagers and tell them about everything then we tell them to come with us and attack the others and get that temple back
After they told the village The king agree they all set up and but up traps and waited They attack them but That all we know about the Mighty temple
The story from 1600 and when Harem and
Dreams about the future come back for Part 2
story from 1600 and when Harem and
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