
Friday, September 11, 2020

The seven Fortnite unavuse

 The seven Fortnite unavuse

Visitor season one/ recording 1

,I am interested in the way you are I am detacaution that you weren't the same so I was harem, There was a monster in a swamp I try to communicate but he was mute, He shot me in the back and I ran I saw a building hand made to look like some creator (crap) I saw a gun in blue, I grab it and wanted to get revenge but some kind of purple thing was storming me I dip my toes and got buried I found my way out the, Swap soon I saw a little town, I went thow to knock on the doors knowone was home Until I saw it again and it shot me, I was died laying on the ground died but that wasn't the end I was like some thortof teleported back to my home I was in a coma cage in a rock the, Cage was hard then It was silent The only thing I heard was a BANG of the rock im in hitting something then I heard footsteps And that was it I was stuck in the cage for over 2 months then I was back, But this world was different I was in a meteor and the was a science lab around I broke out free I was back in that little town this time it was crazy there were bodys to bodys who could possibly do this one of the body was that moisty monster I saw I was relieved that I wasn't one of these people 

Visitor season one ep 1/ recording 2

,I was on a bus but everyone was quit all I can hare is the sound of the bus it wa about 250 meters in the air 1 minute in they started, jumping I didn't jump but I got kick out I don;t know how but it happen soon I seen someone die, from a gun when I landed I was died (we were in some kind of loop) 1 mouth this purple cube appear it might be connected to the loop after it was heading to a lake, and I need it power to lange I rift back to the future and was ready with my countdown I knew it's time to go back home 

1’2’3 lounge FEGTEJEHI 

(the visitor couldn't speak english so we got a tecnomaine, to reinsurish his sayings)

Visitor season one ep 2\ recording 3 last ep for season one

I made home safely but home wasn't the same it was like, another universe It was hard people were slaying they killing I hid, for agest and found out I am not the only one who is on that map from here The return is back

The science tist season two ep 1/ the votice

I was sent here to look for A new, home science my one has been swam I landed in from a giant meteor name the second pointed before, I was landing time was froze because the zero point freezing my cray I landed in before I knew it I sneak into a factory U got camp then I saw you you people were discriminated to hunt me down I still hide every day I’ll sneak, and build every now and then you won’t know a things’

The science tist season two ep 2/ the votice

I was back building but sometimes I was, scared those bruts hunted me down and ones I got my hand on one I devour it I took the pieces and put it on my rocket soon it will be be nothing like before I was getting techno, and maining all this stuff but I wasn't the only one here there were 

7 of us ‘science tist’ visitor’ prime’ predator’ premiere’ accis and DOOM

We will all communicate, controlling each rocket to take control of the map DOOMSDAY

We will use a black to that will wipe everything away then this place will be better

The science tist season two ep 3/ the votice last ep

It was time to go I friends each use a rift then we lounge we had to break the zero point that's unpossible the only thing is the meteor it has all the techno riftis to break it time was frozen so we use our rockets to un power time we will rift the meateo on top of the point !1’2’3 ready we came together, everyone was stuck together looking at a black whole for 2 days

(this is after the black whole done)

A team of E’G’O landed to look for a place to live they found this island they landed in a swarm with purple, water juices then they went fishing for loot like guns and fish they had to keep a certain person alive name riply that was with theme he was blue slurpy and jelly he had a human body but he wasn't a human he was on the island first and told them about A’L’T’E’R alter is, a team that look the same as EGO but eviler there mission is to get ripley to use him for power repley the only good reply so this is up to him the crew needs to created some who could, be like reply and be friend forever creating big chungus this could be another story 

The prime season three\her story

I did nothing I was prime and hunger to die I was okay I survive living unknown with my friends maybe, we might come back we were swarm and under defensive our only way out is divine all rift maybe this vault will, stop them we will be ready to fight and fly 



Chapter 2 season one ep 1 \C2 S4

Galactus the evils of all (thor) Thor don’t hurt,’ I meant to do this 10 years ago 

Thor knocks out Galactus, thor notice dark wither was going to destroy universe and only Garlactus can stop dark wither dark wither created Galactus and the only way to stop him is by taking Galactus to planets to eat because Galactus is bigger than a dragon king kong and godzilla combine and the, only way Galactus can survive is by eating planets more planets he eat the more powerful he gets so thor taking Galactus to a planet to eat but,xx, Galactus runs into a rift and gone thor follow and enders up on the, fortnite island’;’;’;

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